Preetham Dhondaley Apps

Save My Android -Phone Locator 3.2
Save My Android-Phone Locator provides an easyand secured to locate your phone just by sending an SMS to yourphone. You can also delete your Pictures, Videos, and Messages bysending an SMS to your phone.This Application runs only on Mobile Phones and you don't need aninternet connection to use this application's features.Save My Android-Phone Locator has always been and will be freeto download. We do not sell advertisements too!Dedicated to all the users like me who misplace phones.Features:-Locate your phone on google map-Activate loud mode(Ringer) when phone is lost/misplaced on silentmode-Delete Pictures by sending an SMS-Delete Videos by sending an SMS-Delete SMS (Not available on android 4.4 and up)-Receive all your codes via SMSQuick Guide:-Install this app-Set your application password-Set your secret code for the respective features-Close the application and have fun!Usage:-If you have misplaced or lost your phone on silent mode, all youhave to do is SMS your secret code to your phone, and loudmode(ringer) will be activated on your phone. You can then locateyour phone by calling yourself from a different number.-You can also get an approximated location of your phone just bysending a SMS, this feature requires GPS/Location-services to beenabled.-If you feel you phone is not on safe hands, you can delete allyour pictures, videos, and messages just by sending an SMS to yourphone. Everything happens in stealth mode.(Best used when yourphone is confiscated or lost)-SMS can be sent from any phone, i.e you need not have thisapplication installed on other devices.Please Note That:-Restoring deleted images/videos is not possible-It is recommended to set codes only for the features which you aregoing to use.-You cannot locate your phone if the location service is notenabled, and also if your phone is beyond the coverage area.-The Phone's location can be viewed on Google Maps.Q&A:Q. Can I delete pictures and videos by using one code?A. Yes, you can by setting the same code for both the featuresQ. Can I Locate my phone in realtime?A. No, realtime tracking of your phone is not possible. Thelocation service only gives you an approximated location of yourphone.Q. Do I need an internet connection to locate my phone?A. No, it's not needed. This application uses GPS to locate yourphone, you might get precise location if your phone has an internetconnection though. But it's important to enable the locationservices in your phone settings.Q. How do I know if the ringer has been activated on myphone?A. After you send an SMS to your phone, you will immediately get areply saying that the loud mode has been activated on your phone.(Carrier charges might apply for sending an SMS)You can then locate your phone by ringing your phone. Full ringervolume will be enabled on your phone.Q. Can I share my secret codes with my friends?A. It's recommended not to share your secret codes. Anybody canerase your data or locate your phone without your notice.Tip: Set a code which is easy to remember, but not easy toguess. Something like "Locate by phone 123" or "Activate my ringerplease".Codes are NOT case sensitive!